Monday, March 25, 2013

More Baby Socks

  I am so bummed out.

Those little socks I made two weeks ago?

They are lost in the postal service.

So I am making another pair, but this time in pink. They will be too big to bring home on the baby, but maybe the right size for when the child is a bit older. I've already finished one....

So I guess that's the half of it.

It's very likely that I'll deal with the second sock tonight, but believe it or not, I'm having second sock syndrome with this little one!

The difficulty is that I have a sock on some square needles for me...which aren't getting done. I found the square needles at Sticks N Strings, and thought I would try them out. I'm not sure I care one way or the other about them being square. The shop says that people who switch back and forth find that they LOVE the square needles. Honestly, I don't see much of a difference.

Well, back to the office.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Saga Continues

This morning, I received a Facebook message from a newly favorited author by the name of Angela White. She's written several books, but the series I'm most interested in is the "After the War..." series, of which she has 5 books so far, and expects more.

I had emailed her because I had read Book 1, found it entirely enthralling, and asked her about Book 2. Mainly because Amazon and Barnes & Noble both said Book 2 was out of print.

Being out of print causes me great stress, and therefore a frantic note was dashed off to Ms. White in hopes of procuring said book.

This morning she informed me that book 1 and 2 were merged some time ago, and that I'd possibly read them both. She asked me where I was in the story, and I replied....

Just after Angela and Marc had an, um, interlude?

And she let me know that I had already read book 2. That I needed book 3, which I obtained quickly, and I'm about to settle down and start reading, when I realize that I'm still at the office, and have no benefit of wifi there. So I opted to wait until I returned home.

But first, I had to get some groceries--not a major shop, just pick up a few things.

Then I intended to Blog...which is what you're seeing here.

Then I intended to do my mother's taxes, which I've been putting off for a couple of weeks, thinking maybe my hubby would take them in with ours and have them done, but no dice. So now, I have to do them myself.

Somewhere in there is supposed to be dinner, but I think that's going to be a quick and dirty sandwich, rather than a big "todo".

And I received my doll pattern in the email today, so I'm printing her out. This is the plan, to get an idea how to make my own doll's body--so that it looks decent and, well, DOLL-LIKE. I can't have her with a fish body--and I don't want her to look like a balloon. Neither do I want her to have skinny arms. And so I bought this pattern with the intent that I would use it to help fashion the body on my doll.

Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Beyond that, I got to thinking about my book, as well, and wondered what I might do about it, considering that I haven't written anything in it for ages. It's something I'll have to think about and get back to, obviously.

Well, I have a busy night ahead, so I better close for now. Here's a quick peek at the pattern I purchased for the doll. I think she's adorable, too, and might make a second one according to the pattern, but another time, I think.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend Happenings

It's morning. I don't suppose you'd know that unless I told you. I'm still in my flannel nightgown, and my hubby put his shirt on inside out this morning. We are both stuffy nosed and bleary eyed, but once again alive with two feet on the floor--although some of us are not as coordinated as we could be. I just ran into the bedroom door jam trying to bring in coffee. Hello. Can you say warm feeling?

Anyway, as I drink my coffee and try to finish waking up, I listen to the rain pitter-pat on the roof and windows. We've had a warming "trend" with the weather and, you guessed it, lots of MUD. It's everywhere. The only good thing about snow is that you can't see the dog poop on the ground. Once the snow melts, it's poop and mud everywhere. It stinks and you have to wait for a dry day to clean it all up with a rake before the grass gets too tall. I won't bore you with the nasty pictures. I think words are worth one picture--at least in this case.

Hubby likes to teach himself how to do things. Right now, he's working on a game--just a simple game, really, but he really likes to make changes to these things to make the programming do something slightly different. Then, when it doesn't work anymore, and he hasn't saved a single backup, he frets.

And frets. And it's like his mind is consumed with thoughts ONLY for this piece of software.

Who me? Jealous? I think not. I just have no appreciation for his fretting. He tends to tell me all about why it's bothering him. Although, to be honest, I don't understand a word he says when he's talking programming--it's more like he's just sounding off and trying to sort it out in his own head, which is too small, and therefore he has to sort things out by talking so that his ears can hear it and he can then suss it out by himself. It's a version of talking to yourself, I guess. Surely, he's not talking to me. Except that he calls my name when he does it.

But when he's fretting, he's not much fun. He doesn't talk about anything OTHER than the software, unless it's absolutely necessary, and he can be pretty ornery if he's cornered to discuss something else that has relevance to his own EATING. Such is the practice in our home.

But things get done, and pretty soon he's humming along. As I pass by his computer desk, he asks--

"Hey, want to see what my program can do now?"

This has happened only 15 times in the last 5 days, 14 of them result in--

"Oh. It wasn't supposed to do that. I can fix that."

And I walk away with a bemused grin on my face. This "learning" thing has taken over, and I'm allowed to knit and crochet to my heart's content.

The latest? Something for my friend Mary, who has a niece in Georgia who is preggers--

I shipped these out yesterday. They're adorable. I'll admit it. But they go a lot faster with worsted weight yarn. These were made with baby yarn called Jamie in coral, rather than pink. I must tell you that while the end result is cuter than cute, making them is only possible with double pointed needles, and the only problem for me with double pointed needles is the points on each end of each of the 4 needles that hold the stitches. These poke me in the's like trying to carefully handle a baby porcupine. The result is worth it, but getting there can be interesting to say the least. My husband comments:

"You're handling that dead baby octopus again, aren't you?"


A bird sings outdoors. I wonder for a minute if it's a redwing blackbird...but sadly, I know it's just a starling.

So. The computer is working now, too. I just downloaded a copy of the newest Microsoft Office, which will be good only until I retire or otherwise leave my employment, which could happen any day, really--but likely not until I've got my 30 years in. Everything depends on my health these days, and it's altogether possible that something could happen that would take me out of the picture. I try to keep on top of things like that, but you're never prepared for disaster. So yes, Microsoft Office 2013 is on my computer, and I'm just about to install it on my husband's computer as well.

That will teach him. HA!

More coffee required.

Yesterday, we all celebrated birthdays in his family--his mother, sister and daughter all have birthdays around this time of year, and so we all go out to supper. I was told we were going to Chinese, but at the last moment, his sister changed her mind for Country Buffet. We were just in time for the lunch buffet, where you can get the advantage of the lunch price and stay for the dinner menu. It saves you $3 per person, and since we had 10 people, there was quite a savings! I learned this from my computer guru, Chris, who told me that he often goes here, so when I learned that the family had changed plans, I wondered if I'd run into him.

But I told myself the chances were slim at best. The next thing I know, as I'm seated and starting to eat, here he comes and seats himself in front of me. Never in a million years. I didn't see it coming---er, HIM coming. Just suddenly he was there. I thought it might be him, but I convinced myself that it would be weird if it was, so I determined that it wasn't...until he sat right down in front of me. Smiling.

I felt like a stalker, even though going there hadn't been my decision--or even my offering. Surprised and befuddled, he reminded me that I'd told him that I'd be in town--but I never expected to run into him. I had no idea what to say, so I introduced him to my in laws (he already knows my hubby). It was strange, because I was with the family. It wouldn't have been any trouble if it had been just Hubby and I. We talked about computers for a little while, and then he returned to his family's table, which, by the way, was directly in front of our table. So every time I looked up in that direction, there he was, looking right back at me. It was completely unnerving, as I immersed myself into family chatter.

Later, my mother-in-law commented that the family had sat there the entire time reading the Bible. Now, I know Chris to be something of an Agnostic--rather than a believer, but he's a very tolerant person. He spent hours and hours teaching me what I needed to know about computers. Everything I know, I learned from him, pretty much by observing. So it seemed a little strange that he would occupy his time that way--not that I'm dwelling on it.

Well, it appears that hubby has achieved part of his mission for the morning. I suppose I should get to crocheting before he decides to make me his next mission.