Monday, October 14, 2013

Definitely not Procrastinating

I've been here a half hour. At work. I'm still trying to wake up and there's a ton of work to do, since I was off for 2 days in training, the software we are supposed to use has been delayed indefinitely, and we are moving to a new floor.

So not only can I not do the work today, I can't even get started...of course, there is coffee to consider, as well.

I have a class after work at the office. I have this plan, but I'm not sure it will work. Tonight's class is about comfy pants, which are pretty easy, with only 2 seams and a casing for elastic.

My friend tells me that I should do a book about making simple things to wear. What she doesn't know is that this type of thing has been done to death. There is nothing new under the sun. It's all a variation on a theme, and if you can sew on a button, there are lots of variations for this button or that button....for instance, did you know that many years ago, buttons only had one hole?

But I digress.

What I thought was 2 boxes of new files to make labels for, turned out to be files that have to go to records center. Definitely a relief there, but there are 4 boxes of bills to put I to the computer, and I must get going if I'm to get them done today....

See you soon.

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