Sunday, January 8, 2012


Kind of sing-song today, with not much to do. I've done the samples for JoAnn's, and want to work on the third, and maybe even the 4th, but I don't have the right yarn (yet). Hubby doesn't know it yet, but I'm heading to JoAnn's after I drop off the movies at the video store, so that I can pick up the yarn I need for the projects I want to work on next.

Hush. I know I have projects waiting for me in my queue, but there's this every which way scarf done with short rows that I'm pretty excited to work out, if only for my own self. The scarf will make a nice present for next year. I also have to work out a hat for the Spartan population, and that takes a special forest green and white. I've got some ideas in mind. I also have a project for my brother that I want to do....There are just too many things to do!

On the other hand, yesterday, I bought a tatting shuttle and some tatting thread and a hanky, and I thought I might make an edging for the hanky. That's something I need to look online for, and planned to find earlier, but forgot by the time the movies were over...So I'm off on the hunt. Wish me luck!

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