Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Fun Continues...

Last night, I taught a knitting class at JoAnn's. There were eight of us, including me. Wild women, out looking to have fun and laugh and experience a good time.

Well, we did that all right. We all learned some knitting, too. I smile to myself when I think of it. One of the ladies was laughing so hard that TEARS were running down her face. So much that I got her a tissue, and then she laughed harder when I asked

"Are we having a "tissue-issue" with a lilt in my voice, and frankly, I think she nearly died.

Another person was laughing so hard that her face was simply beet red--and everyone laughed and had a good time.

Well, just call me "good time Charlie". Depending on how serious you were, the more you learned, and there were some ladies who were doing very well--others were "getting" the motion, and will have fun at home remembering how to make the stitches. And of course, they all work a few blocks from me, and I can go there and work with them some more if they choose.

The whole evening was a great time.

People at my office are starting to comment on how much I really love doing this "second job". It's just that it doesn't "feel" like a job--you know how when you love what you do, it seems to go by so fast. But seven students is the largest class I've had yet so far. I hope the fun continues, because I would miss it GREATLY if it went away.

In the meanwhile, I'm working on a child sweater. The first one I made has a mistake in it, so I have to rip it out, but other than that, it's fine. It might be a bit of a job to rip it out, as I've done quite a bit of finishing on it. I am saving it for Saturday, when I can really pay attention to it. But working on the second one, I see where I made the mistake on the first one, and therefore, I will finish the second one before finishing the first. I think it's a good plan. I was just so wound up last night that I knew that I wouldn't sleep, and I had to make sure that the pattern didn't have a mistake in it (you see, SOMETIMES I make mistakes miss an instruction, and then the end result doesn't make sense, but I try to finish it anyway. I always assume it's an error in the pattern, and then I try to figure it out. Since I have a student who is making the sweater, I took her through the parts I knew to be correct, and had her continue at home, and leave the parts that I thought might have an error alone, and that we would finish those in the second installment. It won't take long to finish up the pieces and then sew together. Now that I know there is no error, I can go forward, and so can my student, but there is a trick I want to show her, so I will hold off contacting her about it until the second installment of the class. In the meanwhile, I'll finish up the sweater and put it up for a sample on JoAnn's wall.

Hubby is having fun at school, too. I think he's glad for something to do. It's keeping his mind occupied, and his hands busy. I do believe that he bit off more than he can chew, but I also think it's good for him to have that in his life--it tends to stretch your ability to cope, and he needs that. I'm really happy for him.

Well, must finish getting dressed and head for the office, now. Everyone have a good day out there in bloggerland!

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