Sunday, October 9, 2011

OdoBan Saves the Day!

I climbed into the car this morning with my husband. He was *not* happy. The spoiled milk that apparently sprayed all over the carpet soaked into the nooks and crannies in the car, and so the "stink" of soured milk remained.

So I told my husband about the tip that was given to me on my blog, and he replied quickly,

"Go get it!"

So I did. I just now returned from Sam's Club, having requested a one-day pass, and bought this stuff. It came with a spray bottle full, plus a gallon refiller for $10. I walked straight out to my car and opened the trunk. I tore into the package, took the spray bottle and twisted the cap to spray, and then I gave the trunk the once over, and then the twice over.

You see, I wanted to make sure the "stink" was gone. Gone. GONE.

When I climbed into the car, there was no sour milk smell. I turned off the a/c, and sniffed DEEPLY. No sour milk smell. I stopped at Michael's afterward, went into the store for 20 minutes (because they had a sale on Sugar & Creme 5 for $5 and Vanna's Choice, 2 for $5), came back to the car, expecting the worst, but all that came back was the smell of the OdoBan.

I warn on this count only. I think one spray would have done it. The smell is a little over the top when you use too much, and it gave me a slight headache, but I expect that problem to resolve itself in time. It also slightly burned in my nostrils. I just think I used too much. Otherwise, I'm a believer.

So, when I returned home, I sprayed the carpet with the stuff--LIBERALLY, and left it out to dry. Tomorrow morning, I should be able to put it back in the car.

All in all, not a bad haul. I also scored some sale yarn at JoAnn's. The Sugar & Creme is for potholders and the leftovers will go on the Log Cabin Scrappy Do. The Bright Bernat is for a cowl. The Black Paton's Wool is for gloves for hubby, and the goldenrod Vanna's Choice is for an afghan (multi-colored squares). So all of this is spoken for, already. So now, having scored all this yarn, I need to get busy knitting! TA!

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