Friday, December 12, 2008

Caylee Anthony-Revisited

A long time ago, I was dating a fellow who had a brother. This brother had a girlfriend, and she was SEVERELY depressed--this doesn't excuse her neglect of her children, but I don't want to go there right now.

One day, I drove to my boyfriend's house, and one of this woman's children was outside in the sun playing.

He wasn't wearing a shirt, which didn't surprise me, because it was the middle of summer, and quite warm, but there were two welts where someone had beat him with a belt.

I calmly walked into the trailer, and asked my boyfriend who had beaten up the boy. He told me that it was his brother. I asked him where his brother was. He was in the bathroom shaving. I thanked him, and walked straight to the bathroom, where he was shaving. He was dressed and ready to go out to look for a job.


"Oh, hi! What's up?"

And I asked him if he was responsible for hitting Arlos with the belt, to which he lied.

So I grabbed him by the collar, put his 200 pound frame against the wall with my scrawny 110 pound frame, and I told him in no uncertain terms, with fire in my eyes and a death grip on the shirt...

"If I ever catch you laying another hand on that boy, I will beat the living snot out of you, to within an inch of your life, and then 2 inches I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? YOU *WILL* DEAL WITH ME. And trust don't want to deal with me. Understood??"

All he could do was nod. I let him go.

I think sometimes these types of people simply don't get the idea that what they do as far as wrongdoing WILL eventually be found out, and they'll get CAUGHT in the ACT.

I think they're delusional. I think they need an attitude adjustment...say for instance a boot to the head? Maybe a two by four?

But to wait for years and years, or even months and months before teaching these types of lessons is a poor method. I mean, if a dog goes to the bathroom on the floor, and perhaps a dog isn't the BEST example (although people who harm or kill their children are dogs--maybe even worse than dogs), you don't walk up to the dog, shake your finger and say

"Now that was not a good choice, was it?"


You toss the dog outdoors after you've roundly scolded him, and put him on the chain. IMMEDIATELY--not 3 days later.

Nuff said.

I drew some more cards on Caylee last night, wanting to know who did it. Who actually killed her. I drew two kings in the first 5 cards and the 9 of swords reversed. Justice will prevail, and the nightmare will end, but it was an older man who had something to do with the killing--don't get me wrong, I still think mom Casey is responsible, but now, I think her father knows something or had a hand in the deception.

And down the road from the dump site, is a very tall pine tree--I saw it on Nancy Grace last night when they shot film down the road. A very great landmark...just like the cards said.

This morning, I drew the two of wands reversed:
The holding of tension can only last so long, until it is suddenly released to spectacular effect. Perhaps this has already happened or soon will. A sudden change takes place that was quite unforseen, or a decision made in a moment that resolves a long period of tension.

And Casey Anthony's dad has been so very quiet lately.

Just some things to consider.

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