Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Cold in Dem 'der HIlls!

My computer weather center says that it's only 27 degrees outside.


I thought it was supposed to be SPRING by now? My body is screaming for warmer weather. It's just been weird this spring. First we had this lovely week, when it was sunny and warm, and this week, we're all cloudy and cold cold...brrrr.

Makes a body want to jump back under the covers to get warm again!

Sadly for me, I have 2 classes tonight--a crochet and a knitting class. Neither are particularly difficult, but I need to prepare, so this blog will be quite short.

It's April Food's day. A good day to draw for Tarot, to see what's going to happen--

King of Cups
9 Cups (reversed)
6 swords

Well, this tells me that my husband, who has not been very pleased with the way I've set up my retirement account, is going to travel to the Investment firm and have my funds rearranged.

Well, that's sort of dumb--I knew that last night!

Still waiting for the mechanic to call me about the loaner car--so I can bring my car in to be repaired. No word yet, and it's been an extra 3 days. I wonder if they got their air compressor fixed?

It's 6:17. Gotta go!

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