Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One New Battery, Two Pounds are History

I replaced the battery in the scales today.

Then I stripped down and stood on it.

It says 205. I tried it 4 times, and it never so much as wavered. Not even by a half pound. Not even a bit of letting my heel fall off the end of it...


But it means that in the last week or so, I have indeed lost 2 whole pounds.

I think.

In the meantime, I've had to table the Entrelac Sweater for a new project.

Tonight, I am reviewing the pattern for a Civil War Shawl for casting on, as soon as I get the 2600 yards of cashmere laceweight I bought on Ebay recently. There's another "can't hardly wait for it!"

In the meanwhile, think I will upset the applecart and work on a dishcloth. CU2Moro!

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