Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sock Progress-To the Heels!

Fox Faces is coming along. I just finished the heel flap. It's called a honeycomb flap--done on an odd # of stitches, sl1 k1 on row 1, sl 1 p across on row 2, sl 2 k1 sl1 k1 on row 3, and row 4 is a repeat of row 2..so the slipped stitches do not "line up", and what you get is a honeycomb instead of furrows. I think it's a pretty heel. I've used it before on my Mini Mochi Socks.


The Back


The front


The heel flap


Nobody believes me when I tell them that my cat always looks ticked off when I take a picture of him. I have tried MANY times. Chat is very photogenic, and generally stands still for the camera--unless something else grabs his attention. Even so, every shot I take, he looks like he's drunk or just totally grouchy.


Tomorrow, I get to interview with the staff at JoAnn's Fabric and Crafts store for a job as a sock knitting teacher. I'm taking in all my favorite sox--including those which are on the needles now, for review by the interviewer. If I get the job, it could mean a little extra Christmas money, which I'm going to need--especially since my husband is taking my payroll to pay for our supply of corn, which we will heat with this winter. This is a yucky option. I will be making a fair number of my Christmas gifts otherwise, and I think my son might like some hand-made socks. Perhaps I'll make him socks out of the grey I purchased at JoAnn's the other day?

Well, it's time for bed for me. Wish me GREAT LUCK at my interview tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out!

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