Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The sun'll come out, tomorrow, bet yer bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun.

Well, that's what the tarot seems to be saying, but somehow, I think it's making more of a statement than I'm prepared for.

Yes, sure, I drew these cards.

The Sun (Card #10)
The Wheel (reversed) (Card #19)
The Ace of Cups (Card 1 in Cups suit)

Notice how all the cards add up to 1? I mean. 10=1+0=1, 19=1+9=10=1+0=1, and ace counts 1 or 10, either way, it's a 1.

Which means that tomorrow is going to be a day of firsts. It bodes to begin VERY well, wind down in the afternoon, with a calm and loving evening with my husband.

So a good day, to say the least.

That, sometimes in and of itself, is a first.

I hope everyone has as good a day as I'm expecting to have.

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