Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Last Word

Last I heard, the Grade IV band cancelled, but the Grade V band went, and I hear that the weather was horrible and that there are flood warnings, but this has yet to be verified.

I on the other hand have been sick and in bed all day, because yesterday and all night, I have had an attack of diverticulitis due to some medication I was taking. So I stopped taking the medication, loaded myself up with fiber, and hurt all night long. I didn't sleep well, was up and down, and one time, ended up with a charlie horse in my left calf.

I must say, it was a good time to quit the band. If I'd had this attack on the road, I would have been miserable.

Oh, and the tarot card from yesterday? Yes, the lights did go out--long after the rain had passed, and it wasn't even much of a storm--but only some light rain. Now they were only out for a second and it didn't even affect the clocks--but the lights did go out.

So the card was right. I haven't pulled another yet. Off and on, I've been sleeping (catching up on what I lost last night), trying to eat things that won't upset my stomach, and watching television. There have been quite a few good shows on today, which is an oddity. Usually, most of the movies on Saturday are horror style, which I hate.

Hubby is asleep in his chair. I'm feeling like perhaps I need to take another nap. My neck is killing me--I suppose I need to move my chair so that I'm not craning my head to watch it. Might make a difference, don't you think?

So I'm off.

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