Sunday, June 1, 2008

Long time, no see...

I've been doing lots of posting without pictures of late, because I find blogger's image uploader completely idiotic.

I don't want the picture here of there, I want it where I want it, and I want to "drag" it where I want it, not to have to type in the html code to put it there. Since I haven't figured out how to do that...well, it's not done.

But today I went on a picture taking frenzy. I got pics of my latest knitting project--which I can't knit much on, because it hurts my wrist--so 10 minutes at a time is all I can do..just here or there...and here's what I've got.

Pretty good if I do say so myself, and I do.

My hubbies green thumb is showing this spring, with a huge saucer plate amarylis that is supposed to flower at Christmas. This bulb is so big, it flowers at Christmas AND spring. Here's the proof!

This bulb puts out two clusters--each cluster has 4 flowers, and these are the first two that have arrived.

Then I decided to do snakes...don't worry, I only took pictures of two--and they are my smaller snakes--the bigger one was hiding under the box and the litter, so I couldn't really get to her--she's gotten quite a bit bigger, and she's a bit I left her alone.

Here's my female Honduran Milk Snake (the larger of the two).

Here's my male Honduran Hypo for Halloween Milk Snake--he's the handsome one. I got him when he was only 8" long. He's grown a little since then, and been a very good eater. I've been pleased with his growth, but I would have liked him to be bigger. He's very aggressive, but if you put him in the sunshine, he gets all passive on me.

What? You weren't expecting me to be a snake handler? I'm not. All my snakes are non-poisonous and very docile when they are treated properly and fed well. These two ate yesterday, so they are quite happy indeed.

And lastly, I am trying to get my passport, so I asked my hubby if he would take my picture, and I would put it into photoshop to get it smaller to use as my passport picture--I hate my driver's license picture, and this was one way that I could at least make myself look reasonably "good"...allbeit FAT. Hubby didn't want to do it, because he doesn't know how to use my camera--which is basically "point and shoot", but to make a long story short, I had to take his picture, and this was his pose.

Be afraid....

Be Very Afraid!

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