Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Washed Out and Washed Away Wednesday

I am finally starting to feel some relief with my tendinitis. Of course, tomorrow is band practice, which will be the telling tale. If my wrist starts acting up again after practice, I'll know that tenor isn't something I'm going to be able to continue for much longer. I've been a week off drumming, and while there's still a little twinge, I'm feeling better. I didn't wear my brace to work today either, so I'm kicking myself, but I might not need it.

Today, I see my doctor to discuss my ex again. He's been on my mind lately, and in my dreams again, so I've been irritable and moody for a few days now.

So last night, after hubby went to sleep, I slipped out to McDonald's and had dinner, then I drove past my girlfriend's house to see how she fared with the tornado weekend we had, and then back home and worked on refurbishing my spinning wheel by giving it a good cleaning and re-oiling. I really don't do that often enough, but I took apart the Woolly Winder and the wheel itself and cleaned it up and gave it a nice oily shine on it's moving parts. Then I sat there and treadled it for about 10 minutes, working out the old used oil and working in the new oil. I figure it's been a year or so since I last did this. The project was simple and took some time to do properly, but I did it, and now I feel better.

The laundry is washed and dried, though it's not put away. I have a short day today, meaning that I get out at 2pm, and then home to prepare my packing for the trip to Georgetown.

Now that trip will be a nice time, as we are going to stay in a hotel room this time (note: the camping was nice, but the rain was intensely un-pleasurable), so it should be a nice time. I'm looking forward to it. I just have a lot to pack, and while I do pack well, I need extra time to make sure I have everything for the trip. You know how it think you have everything, and then as you're driving down the road, you realize that you forgot to pack "N". I do that all the I've gotten to preparing a list before I pack, so that I know what needs to go into the suitcase, and what needs to go into the trunk. Camping is difficult, because there is more "stuff" that needs to go--air bed, pump, tent, campstove, sterno, food and drink--you know, all the stuff that goes with you.

Staying at a hotel room, also has challenges...I need my uniform for the band, 2 changes of clothing both warm and cold, extra lingerie, glasses--oh there are myriad things. This time, I'm taking my computer, too so that I can use the gps--there's some question about how to get to the Georgetown games...reminder--must check email--no sadly, Georgetown hasn't written me directions to the games yet. It may happen tomorrow or even later today. I will stay on top of that.

But otherwise, I'm fairly wiped out. Hubby got a call at 11:30pm last night from his boss who wanted him to come in early and work a 12-hour shift. This is the first time that's ever happened! So hubby got out of bed at 1:30am and drove in to work. He'll be tired when he gets home.

I asked a specific question: "Why am I dreaming about my ex?"

I got the 3 of cups. Means that I'm being overindulgent....paying too much heed to my emotions and not enough to what's going on around me. I need to live my life better, but I might be prevented from doing that because something might fall through and make it difficult for me to attend.

So there you have it. But if I could stop paying attention to my feelings (well disguised hatred so strong that you can't cut it with a knife), I would. Reality dictates that I must pay attention to these "feelings" or I will relax and open up avenues for that man to hurt me again.

Just between you and me and the fencepost...

It ain't gonna happen!

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