Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Phone Received

Well, I got my replacement phone, and I have loaded all my contacts. Things so far are going pretty smooth. Tomorrow, I will try to upload a picture to Picasa from work, and see if the phone will do the job--this happens before I can download my apps--

I chatter a lot with my friend in California, and I'm almost worried that there's something going on with that application. It's either that, or the Horoscope app, both of which I use quite frequently. Verizon is telling me to add one app at a time, see if it makes the phone act up, and if it does, then you know that it's the culprit, and you can't use it anymore.

Well, I'll be really upset if I can't use my apps!

Rut Roh! Where is my freaking calendar! Whew! Found it.

I swear. These phones are really something. They have you by the gonads--and God help you if you overwrite something unintentionally, and then can't get it back. That happened with me and my phone contacts just a couple of days ago. I have no idea how they got overwritten, and there is a "restore back to" however many days, but somehow that didn't work for me (You might know that would be the case.). There are still some phone numbers that I can't replace. Chances are good that some of them I'll never get back.

In the meanwhile, I spent most of the evening teaching double knitting to my friends at Woolgatherer's. These ladies already know how to knit, but DK is a more advanced technique, and so learning it is a bit different, but they are all starting to understand what it's about. I feel pretty good about this, because it means that it's possible for me to teach more advanced "stuff", and that makes me feel really confident as a teacher.

Well, it's nearly 11, and I've not taken any of my medications, so I best get that taken care of, and off to bed for me. Must hang up the telephone and plug it into the wall--all that good stuff. This weekend is a long one-with a holiday on Monday. Oh, that's right! And Hubby has to work Monday! LOL! This is going to be a fun weekend!

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