Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gloves are Finished

And not a moment too soon! I'll wear them to work today, because it's durn chilly outdoors!!

I'll post a pic in a little bit, so check back--see, they are in the car, and hubby is sleeping, and I won't be able to take a picture of the gloves on my hands with one hand, you see? I need someone else to take the picture!

Gloves done

As if you didn't know.

So what is it that I need to know today?

Ace of Swords
6 of Wands Reversed
Page of Swords Reversed

It appears that I'm going to be in a really bad mood today, and someone at work may get the worst of it. Gosh, I sure hope not! Swords, at least in my readings, usually means strife, and Wands, work or the lack of success--so it means it's a lose/lose situation.

Darn. I was hoping for a happy Wednesday to finish my afghan!

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