Saturday, September 18, 2010

Well, what do you know!? Morning Already!

One of my favorite Bugs Bunny quotes--because it seems like morning comes so quickly around here!

Last night we got a phone call that an ex-relative has had a massive coronary, and so the relatives that are (or, more appropriately, "were") once related are rather in a tizzy, not knowing for sure what to do about it.

I'm guessing that the doctor's will probably do a bypass, depending on where the coronary happened--apparently, this one killed her quick, but the doctors were able to get her back. She's in critical condition, but I think they are considering her a candidate for coming back into the mainstream of life. Details are obviously sketchy for my end of the relation scale, since I'm an in-law twice removed (more or less) and therefore no longer "close family", but the "close family" that I *do* know about are really frantic to say the least.

So the alarm goes off at 6:30 this morning because I have things to do, places to go, people to see, appointments to keep--but the dog cried to me this morning to go outdoors--her pleading whine "I want out!" wouldn't let me sleep, so I got up and around. After bringing her back in, I was unable to sleep at all, so now, I'm drinking my cup of coffee and preparing for the day. I have much to do this morning.

I bought a UPS Battery Backup for my laptop, so that when the power twinkles (as it does nearly every day), my laptop will stay on, and then shut itself down. So I have to connect that up, AND I have to install software that will shut down my computer should the power go off for more than a couple of seconds.

Then, I have to run into the office. Firstly, to drop off a couple of pictures for some retirees to review. I have two that I really like, and one that I'm not really loving, but it's still nice. This just to get some feedback on appropriateness, then I have to pick up some heavier paper to print the announcements onto.

After this, I motor over to JoAnn's Fabrics at Frandor, coupons in hand, to buy out the store. I have LOTS AND LOTS of coupons, and my VIP discount card came in the mail yesterday. Okay, maybe not buy out the store, but there's a few things I would like to pick up. And then, the plan includes knitting on Rhiannon while I demo knitting. I've considered taking in a pair of socks, too, but with the deadline for Rhiannon staring me in the face, I think that working on it exclusively remains the order of the day. Still, I would like to be able to "get away" and knit on something pretty mindless.

About 1:00 pm, perhaps 2 my hope is to return home and relax and knit some more on Rhiannon. I didn't get any knitting in last night, even though I was up until 12am watching Letterman. It's no wonder that the night didn't seem to last long, but I *did* get in some really restful sleep.

Now, off to the UPS Battery Backup. This could take a while, and requires I shut down my laptop, which only happens (usually) during a thunderstorm or when the power twinkles.

Wish me luck!

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