Saturday, September 4, 2010

Who Left the Freezer Door Open Last Night?

The alarm jangled my nerves this morning. How RUDE!

It's now 6:45am. It's Saturday. The dog wants out and fed. She's licking me to death. Guess I had best put her out to do her business.

I open the door for her, because if nothing else, I am a gentlewoman. I open the door for the dog and she scoots out between my legs, nearly knocking me over, then waits impatiently at the second door to be connected to her chain--okay, perhaps not so patiently, as she jumps on the second door a time or two.

I put her chain onto her collar, and open then door, and BLAM!

Did somebody say "Artic Freezer"?

Holy Cow! Frostbite on my toes! I surely wasn't expecting THAT! But I will share with you that last night's sleeping was truly sleeping. I don't think I woke up once because I was so comfortable all night long. I suppose I should have been expecting this. I've been saying all summer that it was going to be an early winter.

And here it is already!

The trees are turning color and literally falling off the trees at an alarming rate. It's become so cold, so fast, that I'm considering getting out my new sweater to wear to JoAnn's today. Brrr.

The only thing missing is the frost on the ground (or that four letter word that I refuse to whisper, lest I jinx the whole world WAY TO SOON.

Yes, folks, it's darndable cold in them there hills. After all the heat and sweat from the last couple of weeks, today is pretty brisk. Good jogging weather. Refreshing, even!

I'm crawling back into bed next to my husband. I hope I can get warm again!

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