Friday, April 23, 2010

The Best of Intentions...

My intention was to have one full week of work. Did I make it?



Well, for one thing, the dog kept me up half the night, whimpering and whining and doing her brand of yelp/bark all night, hoping I'd let her out of the cage to chase the cats.

Which is, at midnight, not an option. But that didn't stop the whimpering/whining/yelp/bark not one single bit.

The result was that I didn't sleep well. I woke up with nausea and dizziness, and was so overcome, that I wrote an email to my boss on my cell phone and didn't even send it until after 8pm--a full hour after I was "supposed" to be at my desk working.

Go figure.

I checked my sugar--everything seemed fine, except that now I'm out of test strips. I took a few sips of water and fell back to sleep, deciding that when I woke up, I'd drive to the doctor's to see if I could get a few to last until the pharmacy can UPS them to me.

I woke up an hour or two later, and found that my hubby had left the house. Not a word about where he'd gone! I have been quite worried about him these last few days--he's been so


I called his mother to find out if he'd gone over there to mow her lawn. Last we'd spoken, I inferred that it was supposed to rain all weekend, and that perhaps Friday would be the best day to mow--but she said he wasn't there.

So I drove myself to the doctor to see about the test strips. No problem, they said, and gave me a barrel to last until my script comes in via UPS. During this time, hubby called from his mother's to let me know that he was at his mother's and would be home later when he was finished mowing.

Now, two days ago, I bought hubby some flowers. Pretty ones that he could plant here and there around the yard, but he didn't even touch them. So when I got home, I decided to take them outdoors and prepare some soil to plant them.

I went outside and took them with me, and with all the best intentions, decided to get some planting in the works...

I got the two barrels in the front yard planted, and pulled out last year's stems from the big black cauldron, pulled some weeds and smack from around the peonies, and was suddenly dizzy and nauseous and started to develop a serious headache!

I went back into the house and tested my sugar again. Normal. Hmm. So I drank some water. I felt a little better, but the headache got worse--you know the sort--they rather make you want to pull your head off and shelve it someplace?

So, I tried to rest in hubby's chair, but that wasn't happening. I took two Advil, pulled the covers over my head, closed my eyes, and held onto what was left of my throbbing head--until finally, sleep overtook me, and I slept for THREE HOURS!

When I woke up for the THIRD TIME today, I went outside and planted some more flowers. I took a can of Diet Pepsi with me, but I didn't stay out long before I had to come in again, dizzy and nauseous with another headache. This time, I took an Excedrin Migraine, and the headache is finally going away. I'm hoping it's gone for good, but I can feel the fuzziness creeping up. I'm keeping myself hydrated. I need to plant more flowers, and hubby is finally home. I think he might help in a little while after he's had a chance to rest.

I also re-washed some clothes that were sitting in the dryer. Hubby must have used the air compressor recently, because the dryer said Power Failure--and that means the breaker blew, which only happens when I'm drying clothing and hubby decides to use the air compressor. So I turned it off, flipped the breaker (which took a flashlight and glasses and several trips up and down the stairs--another exhausting endeavor), and came back upstairs to start the dryer.

I've been home all day. I've done one row of knitting on Meisterdecke. It's almost suppertime. I have to go get the pizza. I also have to get some birdseed. Both of our feeders are totally empty. I don't know if I'm up to all that, but there you go.

Worst of all, I missed a big meeting at work. Not that it's a big deal to me, except that I miss important changes sometimes, and I hate that. And it seems that I miss those meetings pretty regularly somehow. It's as if my body just knows that it can't take going to some big "let's all talk about what's wrong with our systems which aren't going to get fixed anyway" kind of thing. I mean, what *is* the point?

On Thursday, however, I finished my socks, and here's the pic:


They look so long in the foot, but really they aren't. Optical illusion. I wore them after I took the pic and they feel GREAT!

On to Meisterdecke--oh, maybe after I feel better.

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