Thursday, April 1, 2010

On the Mend...

I'm still sick, but at least I'm on the mend. Coughing is down, and I still feel like crap, but I'm getting better.

The medications seem to be working for the most part. Hubby's cold only lasted him a couple days, but I always seem to get sicker than he does. I'm plying myself with hot cinnamon/apple tea and chicken noodle soup. When I get to breakfast, I plan to have a small box of orange juice. When I get sick, I try to use all the homeopathic remedies I can--the warm coffee feels good on my raspy throat.

Tuesday night, I stopped by the Lake Odessa Knit Night, and the owner asked me if I would make a sample for the store! How cool is that? So I've spent the last 24 hours knitting on a market bag--a sort of "sling it over your shoulder" style mesh bag that you see everywhere. Because of being sick, I've had to spend most of the day in bed, but when I got up, I'd work a few rows. I've got the bottom done, and about 8 or 9 rows up the sides of the bag.

It's made in the round, an easy to memorize pattern. The bag is all one color with a bit of contrasting trim. I'm working a striped bag, and just added another color to the original pattern. As I move up the bag, I plan the color stripes to be wider, and I might adjust the pattern slightly so that I can just pick up the second color without having to cut thread and weave in. That way I can carry the color changes throughout.

So that's my "in between" project. In between, because I just can't seem to bring myself to work on a bigger project right now, being sick and all that--I'm spending time resting and getting over being sick, taking better care of myself, and not going anyplace to spread germs. I've got a box of Puffs in every place where I might be, and I've filled up a wastebasket here in my computer room with used tissues. Heck of a time to be sick, too. The weather has been in the 60's and today it's supposed to get into the 70's or 80's. Beautiful weather, and I'm sick.

God must hate me.

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful knitterly day. Get out and enjoy the sunshine if you're able. Do it for me!

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