Sunday came and went much too quickly. I need another day or so to recover from last week. I'm behind on my sleep again.
Yes, friends, it's Monday again, and the whole world is returning to the office, such as it is. It's getting so there's not a lot of reason to go anymore, considering how the government is taking away more and more every day.
Now comes socialized health care. Everyone gets health care. Do you have any idea who is going to pay for socialized health care? Do you? People like me, who have worked hard and long hours and years and years just to be able to retire in some comfort, I get to help pay for the health insurance for those who don't, and it's cutting into my comfort zone, just a little too much.
I think it's wrong.
I'm tempted to toss away my social security card and go live in a little cabin in Montana or Idaho and write a book. First, I would have to learn to use a gun and obtain a license, and then I'd need to learn survivalist living. Maybe move to Canada? I don't know. Maybe I should just find a way to stop working, because let me tell you, working at two jobs, just to support the part of society that refuses to work, really bugs me.
On a good note, I finally finished the heel on my toe up socks.
On another bad note, hubby isn't sleeping well at night. This is a serious health complication that can be deadly, but first, you go insane. Never mind that he's already somewhat insane to begin with, lack of sleep/no sleep can cause a person to hallucinate and literally lose their mind, before it kills them. I've seen documentaries on the health concerns here. I asked him to go to the doctor, and his response was that he didn't have time.
Yeah, right. Go to the freaking doctor.
On a good note, every so often, I hear him snore, but he's waking himself up, even though he took a sleeping pill or two last night. This is the second night of no real "good" restful sleep. It's disturbing. Truly!
Well it's time again for a shower. See you tomorrow-perhaps the socks will be done and a picture will be in the offing!
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