Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What happens at Knit Night

I found a really cute dishcloth pattern, and I'm making the larger size for the shower, since I'm a "larger size" gal--in a minty fresh green, which is my mother's favorite color. The pattern isn't "earth-shattering fabulous", but it looked like a good candidate to hold up under soap, water and vigorous movements while wet and soapy to help me wake up on those cold, cold mornings.


In fact, it frosted last night, so it's one of those sorts of mornings today! Glad I covered up my newly planted flowers and plants last night when I got home. You see, I can literally smell frost in the air the night before. The moon was full. The sky was clear as a bell and there was this hint of frosty air on the breeze. True to form, the windows on my car were frosted over this morning when I let my dog out, and I wore a coat to go and get her untied from the pump, then started the car. So this morning is going to be a short blog so I don't run out of gas!

Last night was Knit Night in Lake Odessa. I worked on my cloth, showed off Meisterdecke and the rest of the time, I spun some pin-roving I bought 2 years ago. I figure I have enough to make a pair of (gasp) socks. I spun an entire bobbin in just a few hours. The stuff just flew off my hands. I'll spin up the rest tonight, and by day, I'll work on the cloth. Meisterdecke? Yes, yes, I got a new 40" size 4 needle so that I can get all the stitches on it, and I purchased a 40" size 2 needle for the green yarn I bought to work Susan Pandorf's Sugar Snap pattern on a pair of socks.

Before I can spin tonight, however, I have to wash my socks that I've been making. At some point, I will have hundreds of socks if I keep going like this. What can I say? I like warm feet. I also need to upgrade this post with pictures of my ongoing projects so you can see how hard I've been at it.

Hubby has an interview today to try to get into a new kind of program where they promise you a job within a year or else they give you your money back paying for the schooling necessary to get the job. It's basically "on the job training", where you learn the skill, pretty much on the job, without pay, and then they hire you with pay. I have no idea where the job might be, but this NOT knowing what he's going to be doing is rather driving him a little over the edge. Last night, he complained that Tuesday nights were a horrible thing--school all day long and stress? I walk in the door on Tuesday after Knit Night, and he's all over me like ugly on ape--raising his voice and talking down to me. I really hate that behavior. So then I give him this opportunity to show me that he loves me by doing something simple for me, and he's griping about why I always ask him to do stuff that I could do myself, and I explain why.

He doesn't get it. Why don't men get that? I *do* ask for what I want. Oh, you "love" me? Couldn't prove it by how you're acting! So let's see how you prove it "this" way. Sigh. Failed again. If you complain about it, then you're not doing it for the right reason anyway...but now that you know (again) that I do this when you're particularly "horrible" to me, you know WHY I do it. Your grousing at me makes me feel unloved, and I do not like that feeling, and you must counter it with something nice, which

I know it's against your nature,,,being such a bear and all..

But do it anyway, so that I know that there is some frigging spark in your heart for me!

Perhaps if most men knew this, there would be fewer divorces in this country.

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