Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day In BloggerLand!

Today is the day for family and feasting. For being thankful for one more day. For appreciating and counting our blessings.

One year, our spin group had a nice holiday meal. I don't remember if it was for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but at this point, it really doesn't matter--because it was sometime in that time frame that my BFL (best friend Linda) fed us this salad that I simply raved over, and I decided I'd make it for my family for Thanksgiving.

It's called Ramen Noodle Salad.

1 pkg. broccoli Slaw
2 green onions (chopped fine)
1 C slivered almonds
1 C dry roasted sunflower seeds
2 pkgs. Chicken flavored Ramen Noodles (put noodles aside to crumble later)
Dressing: 1/2 C sugar (or 2pkgs. splenda)
1/2 C white vinegar
1/2 C Wesson oil
mix the above dressing ingredients with the 2 seasoning packets from the noodles. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Mix dressing in with the broccoli slaw ingredients. Crumble the Ramen noodles and add just before serving so they'll be crunchy.
Note: do not cook the noodles!

There is one problem, though. Hubby's dad doesn't want to have Thanksgiving with all of us, and so Hubby is going to stay with him, so that my MIL can come party at my SIL's house. It's almost sounding like it's going to be "just the girls" at the party, because the only "man" there (if he comes, and HE might not) willl be Mike, who is the husband of my *other* SIL.

hmmm..this could get confusing...

Gee, ya think?

Anyhow, it's beginning to sound like a segregated holiday, so after we party and chat and give mom a nice break from the stress of being a nurse for a very sick patient (dad, of course), then we'll pack up all the fixin's and run them over to mom's house and let the men snack the rest of the day.

You see, we didn't know that dad was going to be sick this holiday, and made plans to have the party at SIL's house, and well, she gets so excited when the holidays come, and she loves to entertain, but the whole family is never "together" at her house. Dad seems to think there isn't enough room in her house to sit down--but I remember that the men sat in the television room and watched television while the women-folk sat at the kitchen table and picked off the turkey all day. Then we went outside and did cartwheels (okay, it was pretty warm that day) in the yard. My MIL took pictures. There's snow on the ground this year, so no cartwheels.

And so, without really trying, I've lost 13 pounds, and of course you know that's going to fall all apart today! My sugar is down to a managable number, and even though it's on the higher side of normal, it's still okay. As long as I don't go nuts and sample everything on the table, I should be fine. I've had breakfast, and will snack late--about 11 or so, and dinner at two then snack at 3, 4 and 5, and then I figure we'll be packed up and ready to go back to mom's house with all the left-overs---I mean "trimmings", so that Dad, Mike and Jeff can have some.

And then I'll sit down and work on the second glove for Jeff, my hubby--yes, I finished the first glove, and it fits him. I wish I could figure out how to make them without all the little threads you have to weave in--and all the little holes where the fingers meet the hand part. Hard as I try to keep from having holes there, I had them none-the-less. And it seemed like everytime I tied up one hole, another one appeared, and I didn't NOT knit the article loosely--so I'm not sure how well the glove will hold up under stress. So much so, that I told my husband to be gentle with it.

The minute he comes in contact with snow and rubs them together once, they'll felt to his hands, because they are made of wool. I just hope he doesn't drop them in the washer/dryer. I suppose I could give them to a less-fortunate child if that happens...

But I do want to make myself a pair of these, and I think I might have enough yarn for them. I'm really excited about that prospect, because I've never had a pair of woolen gloves, and I think they would be perfect for me--my hands get so cold in the winter.

I'll take pics of Jeff's pair when they really ARE a pair, and set them here.

Love ya'll and happy Thanksgiving!

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