Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Migraine City!

If I can't whine, there would be no reason to blog.

I've been having Migraines (please note the capital "M") since the doctor upped my medication--and it's just impossible to work in that sort of environment (within my own pounding skull), so when two Advil still hadn't dulled the PAIN even 20 minutes later, I went home.

On the way, I stopped at Rite-Aid and purchased some Excedrin Migraine and a bag of chips, which tops the list of bad food choices for me, but when in pain, comfort food reigns. I consumed those chips as if I hadn't had chips my entire life, first one chip, because I wanted to savor the flavor--and then poured the whole bag into my mouth and while half went into my lap, I simply collected them into a pile there to consume in a moment.

I think I ran a red light. Not because I wasn't watching, but because the brain has been so fuzzy lately, that it's a wonder I can remember my own name! I believe that I've become a menace on the road. I'm afraid for everybody. I munched my chips the whole way to the gas station. It was a small bag--and perhaps a five-minute trip.

I stopped at the gas station and purchased a Subway Wrap-for lunch-and proceeded to go home. Once home, I snarfed down the wrap, and still the Migraine from Hell pursued me. I drank a cup of coffee. Still the Migraine Plagued me. I finally gave up and fell into bed.

I slept for 4 hours. Two Advil really do me in! Of course, it's likely that my brain just gave up, too. By 3pm, I was feeling pretty good, so I got back out of bed, hopped into my car and drove back to work!

The supervisor came by a few hours later, surprised to see me. "YOU'RE HERE!" She says.

I thought "What was your first clue?" But the lips just smiled and said "Yes, I feel better now."

And then I thought "Here's your sign.."

I worked a whole hour and a half, and had to leave for my first diabetes class. This class is a 3-day thing that teaches new diabetics the "what's what" of diabetes--how to keep your weight down. What it's all about. Where to get HELP! Things like that.

What can I say. It's a resource.

Today, I have a doctor appointment with my GP (you see I called him yesterday with this Migraine business, but I had this appointment scheduled a long while ago), and he's going to get nailed hard with this migraine business. Never mind the fact that my brain is rebelling because of the lower sugar in my bloodstream (you see, I know these things NOW, since I LEARNED them last night), but I'm terrified because I also learned that the sugar levels that are hoped for, even with medication is between 70 and 130, and I'm still well over that.

Considering all the stress I've been under, those numbers seem impossible. Doctor thinks that the 150/160 range that I've been having are good enough--but 3 hours after I ate that wrap from Subway, my sugar was 267 again. I had a similar wrap at 9pm last night for my supper, and my sugar was only 167 this morning.

That reminds me...I need batteries for my mouse at work...must drop them in my purse!!!

So after all is said and done, I don't feel that I have a handle on this diabetes business. I feel pretty good right now--nearly good enough to take on the ills of the world! But I have to go to work and make up some time today, and that's not going to be easy with a doctor appointment and my diabetes class later toward evening. At least this time, hubby is going with me, and I'll be able to pick something up for supper on the way there, instead of eating at 9pm, which can't be good for my system.

So off I go to conquer. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I will hope your dr has help for the migraines, they are not something I have had to deal with, here it's sinus..and it's livable with little green over the counter pills..
The sugars are 1 of those sneaky things..but what you cut back in eating for health's sake can add pennies to the yarn stash fund..and there's no sugar or calories in yarns..
Take care, Maggie in IL