Thursday, May 13, 2010

Coming Down to the Wire

The armholes are done, I just have to sew one of them up. All that's left is the neckline and a little steam pressie--and the dress is done! Pictures tonight, I believe, and none too soon. My DGD is 4 years old tomorrow!

I want to find a pretty pink box and some pink tissue and a little "Made by Grammy's loving hands" sort of label to put in the back on the inside.

But there is not really time to do such lovely things.

I woke up this morning, having slept just fine, but I still feel very tired. Even my cuppa isn't helping. I have no more drive. My "get up and go" has "got up and went". I think that I may have overdone it by staying up until 2am the other night. Go figure?

Work is still a hassle. The computer issues are still a problem and haven't been fixed. You see, once you've had a computer techie to do something, you find out that it's very difficult to UNDO it. That's why, when you "techie speak" you have to be very accurate and know what you want for the end result--and you have to communicate that very clearly and concisely, including what you DON'T WANT in the mix. If you don't, you're liable to get what the techie THINKS you want, and let me tell you--that is almost NEVER what YOU want. Something about everyone being different and what not is what causes that. Techie people do not assume. So if you tell them:

I want the addresses in the file updated to show the person's license address.

They will update the file with the address on the license--whether it's an open license or a closed one.

See my point?

Clearly, this is a communication error on the part of the requester. A better request would have been:

I want the addresses in the file update to reflect license addresses which are OPEN ONLY.

Of course, requesters never know this little bit of sly play on words until the file is updated and warrants go out to addresses that are from 14 years ago and the person has moved 3 times since then, and calls my office in angry frustration because they didn't get their check--WHY? All because there was some bureaucrat who didn't know how to request something from a techie.

Not that I'm bitter.

But the calls have come fast and furious from hundreds of people all over the US. Angry people that you have to pacify with the truth. Sorry. You didn't get your check because...but we're doing the best we can to work around that error. Even so, we don't have a projected date on when we'll be able to replace the missing warrant, because the computer issue has to be Undone before we can send them back out, and that could take some

Then you hold the phone 15" from your ear while they yell at you.

And you can still hear them.

It's been a really fun week at the office. Can you tell?

So hubb and I...we've been watching videos of the series "Heros". I just love that little Japanese guy Hiro. I think he's pretty cool. We started in Season 1, because neither of us watched it in the beginning/early days. So now we have a more accurate base from which to follow. The show isn't so bad when you can watch it, one episode after another like that, and it makes sense, although it's a little tough to follow with all the lives it covers. I can't decide if these "special" people were engineered or if they were born this way. The badguy (Claire's father) has this associate (a "special" sucker upper) who apparently can take the "special powers" away temporarily, because it doesn't seem to work on them permanently

, but DOES work for people who don't have those special powers, and leaves them basically with a form of amnesia. It's a little weird how it works. Peter Petrelli seems to be just such a "special sucker", but uses it for good, and can only use powers that actually belong to someone else when he's in close proximity to them. He doesn't use his power for evil, or to take away the powers, but uses them temporarily. Claire's father, however, would like to take them permanently. I think he might be Syler, but I'm not sure yet.

I have to prepare for the trip to the office. Hopefully, there will be a picture tomorrow of the finished dress. Stay tuned!

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