Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spending Sunday Morning...

Denny's logoImage via Wikipedia

Plans are to eat breakfast at Denny's this morning, but hubby has me editting photos for his CNC class. I hope it doesn't last long, because I've been awake since 5 am--and I'm HONGRY!

After this, I have a class at JoAnn's to teach--that reminds me, I have to prepare my student handouts...

Now that it's started, I can continue...

This morning, the Wood Thrush was in our front yard. The light was just perfect, but by the time I got my camera around, he was gone. Don't you just hate it when that happens?

In the meanwhile, I have things to do that I won't be able to get to until much later. I'm hoping to get in some time house-cleaning.

Someone take my temperature.

But just for kicks, I thought I might add a picture, totally unrelated, that was just so cute, that I couldn't resist. It's not the Wood Thrush, but there you go.

A Smile So BrightImage by brendan.lally....on and off right now via Flickr

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