Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, Already!

It was one weekend, far too short. I'm still exhausted from last week, and in no hurry to get back to the office because of what's been happening for the last week and a half.

People are really angry, and want to take it out on whoever answers the phone. This is why no one is answering the phone. By 3:00 pm Friday, I'd *HAD* it, and was ready to head for the hills. I'm glad we have higher security in our building, because otherwise we'd be having bomb threats--of that I am quite sure.

And these days, anybody can make a bomb, you know? There are instructions online for making simple, but deadly bombs that are so easy, children can do it. Add in a desperate, defective thought process, and you've got a bomb waiting to happen.

In other news, the Tarot is telling me that my ex is trying to go out on his own to find a new job opportunity. It doesn't appear to be successful, even with the man of higher finances pointed him in that direction and offered to put in a good word there.

No further visions on the little girls.

I bought a denim shirt yesterday to wear to work, but it's a little on the warm side, and I might not be able to wear it all day. We'll see.

I worked a little on the afghan for my hubby's cousin with ALS, and I like how it's working out, except that the yarn gets all tangled when you're working with 3 different pieces of yarn. I got a little aggravated with it, and put it down in favor of the wave afghan (crochet). I got 4 rows before I realized that I was doing it wrong, and had to rip back. Then I redid those 4 rows plus a few more while we watched television. I'll take the prayer 'ghan to work for break times and lunch.

Wish me luck. This is going to be a horrible day.

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