Saturday, May 22, 2010

Okay, Who Turned Out the Lights?

Well, I had quite a scare yesterday.

Hubby wanted Hungry Howie's for supper, and it was lightly raining, but we could both tell it was going to cut loose really soon. I didn't think it would be a problem--after all, I've driven in the rain before.

It came pouring down on my way to get the pizza, but slowed when I arrived, so I walked up to the door and bought my pizza. When I came out, I could smell ozone in the air, and knew that it was going to pour again, so I started to jog to the car, and the deluge began.

By the time I was on the road again, it was coming down so hard that I couldn't see well--except for the gray lines in the sky telling me it was coming down so hard that you could actually see the rain coming down from the sky! When I arrived at the 4 corners, I could see that the wind was really starting to get going, and that frightened me more than anything. I had a delivery to make, so I continued on.

When I got to a section of woods down by the river, I had someone behind me--the rain was coming down so hard that ahead of me was dark grey and nearly night. Suddenly, a limb came down and fell on the car! It hit the car just above the windshield, and I thought I was a goner! I think that God was watching out for me, though, because it seemed to bounce off the top of the car and landed behind me. I didn't see how big or small it was, but the car behind me didn't follow, and now I'm worried that they didn't make it--but all I could think of at the time was getting home to safety.

There were other sections of road where there didn't seem to be any light, just this crazy grey--as if all the color had gone out of the world. I just kept on driving until finally I arrived at home. I sat in the car in the driveway, trying to assess my options, while the rain came down in constant sheets--which made me think of Noah's Ark and all that. The ground is pretty well saturated, and there's no place for the water to go--and water was EVERYWHERE. I finally got out my umbrella, opened it just outside the door, picked up the pizza, and ran for the safety and dry of the garage, and dropped the umbrella, and went into the house.

I was soaked from head to toe. SOAKED.

But the limb from the tree really scared me, and I was shaking all over.

I hope the person behind me is okay.

We didn't lose our lights at all, even with all the lightning, I understand that lightning struck a gas station in town and literally tore up the concrete. It really makes you think. I know I was safe in the car as far as lightning is concerned, but we have lots of trees on our property, and there's one tree that I worry about--as it's close to the house and quite old and VERY tall. It even leans toward the house, so were lightning to strike it, there's no question that it would fall on the house.

I've actually asked my hubby to cut it down, but it appears to be his favorite tree of all the trees on our property. Go figure. Yes, it's tall. Yes, it's fairly straight. He doesn't get that it's probably the most dangerous tree on our property. I can't seem to get that through his BONE HEAD.


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