Thursday, December 6, 2007

Looking for Mr. Goodbar..

Okay, maybe not Mr. Goodbar, but I am looking for someone--seriously.
No really, this is a serious matter.
Why can't I wipe the smile off my face?

Anyway, this post is for my son, who is looking for his father. His name is Thomas Edwin Walls. He has lived in Michigan and California. He is 57 years old.

If you know Mr Goodbar--I mean Mr. Walls, please tell him his son is trying to find him through my blog, and if he would, to please leave a comment here, and I will follow up.

In the meantime, time to draw another card about my job at the office....I drew the 6 of wands reversed. Could it be any worse than that? It means a lack of success, a reversal of notoriety, in other words, I can forget about that promotion.

Sigh. Time to paste the smile back on and go to work.

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