Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Late for Work AGAIN!

Every morning, I get up at 5:30AM. It doesn't matter how fast I get ready--I am always late for work. First it's the weather slowing me down of course, but then the dog won't go out until the last minut because she thinks (in her own twisted mind--and you KNOW what happens when you put two twisted minds together, don't you?) that I'm going to take her with me to the office.

That or she just doesn't "go like clockwork" as I do. I'm usually a slave to the clock--well not a total slave, but I DO PREFER to be to work on time (mostly because I hate to be late since I might miss something GOOD!)

Today, the plan is to continue working on the dishcloth I posted about yesterday. The directions didn't come until after 5pm yesterday, when they are normally up by I was disappointed that my project was delayed until I arrived home, but it's all good.

I used my soap sock in the shower this morning...pretty cool.

And now, to open up Cat Bordhi's Sock Book and try this Coriollis. I have the yarn and the book in my bag, but now need to get the needles--silly moi! I would have walked off without them for sure--then where would I be?

Anyway, I have some Regia National Color in a broad red/black/yellow stripe, and thought that I would try one of these pairs....maybe "do it to death" to get it right for my feet.

I have to turn the stove down and the ice maker is frozen again, so I have to do that. I'm just going to be late that's all there is to it!

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