Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Everyone Knows

Wow. The Wind is just howling outdoors. There's another chill in the air. There is no snow anymore on the ground. My back is killing me.

No blogging last night because I was so tired from only 4 hours of sleep the night before, but I did get another Tribble made. The gal who designed them had it right--they do multiply like, well, Tribbles...seemingly born pregnant! But if you check the last blognote, you'll see that I found out that I am 77% addicted to blogging...this is a better score than Barb's "So the Thing Is..." blog, who got a score of 82%.

I obtained three (3) patterns for knitting sampler afghans---one from Leisure Arts, because someone on an email list asked about the pattern for Turtle Check. This caught my attention, and once I saw the afghan I just had to have it--so it was a mad hunt for it on Monday. I finally located it at Michael's Craft Store, but I really had to hunt for it, because their stocking clerks don't "neaten up" the pattern book shelves very often, and so things get "hidden". But--I was successful in my search. I now have the pattern for Turtle Check.

The other two I purchased at Threadbear--The Great American Afghan (which surprisingly does NOT have Turtle Check) and The Great American ARAN Afghan (which has a cool little sweater for one block, but also does not have the Turtle Check pattern in it). I got all of these for short/sweet quickie individual block type projects that should go pretty quickly. I have no plans to start one "right away", but at least I have the patterns in case I do need something for intermediate knitting.

Also, at spin night, people passed around some patterns for socks and a chullo--both were really cute.

I haven't read any email for at least 2 days, so I am sure that I am completely behind with at least 3000 of them in my basket. I really did try to catch up on my holiday/vacation--I really did! I read up to 200 a day, and still didn't catch up. Before the vacation, I had over 2000, but by the end of my holiday, I still had over 2000.

How does that happen, anyway?

Work was busy again yesterday, and it's a good thing, or I would have laid my head down on my desk and fallen asleep--I was that tired. I slept last night about 10 hours--waking with my husband this morning at 4:40am to make coffee and breakfast, then to send him off just before my own alarm went off at 5:30am. Did I say that my back is killing me?

I went to a chiro about that issue, and as I was being examined, she asked me if I had ever had back surgery, to which I answered "no, why?". She tells me that I have a fatty tumor on my back--now this is really something to blog about, right? Anyway, I'm going to set up an appointment for my medical doctor to take a look at it, because THAT'S where my back hurts most of the time--and I think that it's pressing on something while I SLEEP and I end up with a backache in the morning--and nothing helps with the ache, either. I can take Tylenol, Advil, Bayer Back and Body--they all put me to sleep. In fact, analgesics of ANY sort (even the ones with caffeine to keep you awake) put me to sleep. But I don't want to take morphine or oxy codeine--can you say "sleep like the dead"?

So I put up with it. It makes me cranky, and not my usual humorous self.

Speaking of which--got to tell you about my dream last night--old boyfriend who decided that he wanted to get back together with me, except that he found out that there was some other man, who previous to the old boyfriend was a one night "hey I'm pretty interested in you--would you like to go out on a date?"-type thing where nothing beyong "talk" had happened, but was threatening anyway. We ended up getting back together, and it was a very happy dream--except for having to drive in a snowstorm where the snow was drifting in 2-3 foot high drifts, which was likely the windy outdoors encroaching on my dreaming. There was a point where I was nearly run over by an 18-wheeler--that was pretty scary, but otherwise, it was a pleasant dream. then the alarm goes off. Any ideas why it works that way?

I have had 2 such dreams since breaking up with this old boyfriend--the last one was not so nice, as he was still married--in this one, he was newly divorced and looking for ME. That was a real mood lifter, believe me. Unfortunately, in real life, I wasn't what he wanted, so he married someone EXACTLY like me. That really ticked me off. Enough about him, then.

No progress on hubby's sock, due to making Tribbles--and the football dishcloth. I have to check my email for other stuff--and I will likely be back in the morning to tell you all about the rest of today.

I hope you have a nice, pleasant day---and that your back doesn't kill you.

Today's Tarot Card is the Three of Cups reversed. Upright, this card can indicate that your catty "friends" are talking about you in ways you might not gossip. Reversed, however, indicates you are spending too much time being self-indulgent, and not paying enough attention to others and basically ignoring them. This is based on a poor self-image and you need to work on it! It could mean that you're working too hard (oh, there you go! I was thinking of taking off today due to my backache), eating too much (not possible), doing drugs (again, not possible) or spending too much time with other addictive behaviors (ie, Devil sort of behavior--tho not as predominantly as the Devil card). So wise up! Change direction and make others your focus today. This could be a pre-emptive strike--that something is going on behind the scenes at the office that I am unaware of, and it looks like, with my back trouble this morning, I'm going to have to help out and pull bills and files. YUCK!

Well, we'll see. Just coming off vacation, my brain has been mush, and I'm trying to catch up on all the things that were allowed to slide while I was gone. I've been really busy, which has been a blessing! But I have been ignoring the people a little--not any more than normal, because I tend not to waste a lot of time anyway--not only that, but I spent an hour yesterday on the phone with one lady who seriously needed somebody to talk to, and another hour with a lady who wanted to complain about the changes to the program that resulted in delays of the mailing of the check--not that there is anything I could have done about it. It's nice to chat with folks who really want someone to talk to sometimes. Perhaps there will be another call like that today? Maybe. There seems to be one in every crowd.

So long for now.

1 comment:

Herzblut said...

so THAT'S why the cloths are called Tribbles! And here I was, expecting a Trek Tribble :)

sorry to hear of the back trouble.....

raining like the Dickens, here